more information:
X. Bernal, V. i Rojo, M. 2006a.)
This European species is found in
the central as well as in the meridional regions, especially in
humid places, although it does reach Turkey (Seifert, 1992). In
Spain it is poorly known, being located basically in provinces
of the northern half of the Iberian peninsula (Barcelona,
Gerona, Huesca, Coruña, León, Lérida, Logroño, Lugo, Madrid,
Navarra, Orense, Oviedo, Santander and Teruel). In Spain it has
never been noted as producing damage in houses or logging .
A study using random plots in all the cork producing area in
Catalonia, concluded that there is a relationship between the
presence of Lasius brunneus and the altitude and climate.
Lasius brunneus as a cork-oak pest is geographically limited
to three regions: Alt Empordà (municipalities of Agullana,
Maçanet de Cabrenys and La Vajol), Guilleries (Sant Hilari
Sacalm and Santa Coloma de Farners) and Osona (Espinelves and
Viladrau). Lasius brunneus has been detected in cork-oak
woods in localities higher than 600m although if the climate is
sufficiently humid or rainy, Lasius brunneus may be found
at 400m altitude. In Catalonia it has never been observed
nesting at altitudes below 300m.
The area where Lasius brunneus is found corresponds to a
combination of climate and altitude, at the higher limit of the
climatic preferences of cork oak, that is, altitudes below 400m
and with a slight penchant for south and south-eastern slopes.
The altitudes of some of the affected areas (above 700m) are
more characteristic of other forest tree species such as
chestnut, in which nests of Lasius brunneus have
previously been noted (Bernard, 1968; Donisthorpe, 1927).

Potential distribution of
Lasius brunneus in the cork oak in
Catalonia (gray dots). Studied plots (green dots) and infested
plots (red dots). A colder and
humid climate of northern localities favours the presence of the ant.
Scale 1:300000.